Actions for Week of September 17, 2018

We had success in the primaries: Six of the New York State Senate candidates challenging the eight fake Democrats of the Independent Democratic Conference won their races. However, all of those IDC members could run on a third-party ballot line in the general election. We need to keep up the pressure to flip the state senate.

Monday, September 17, 2018 - TWO ACTIONS
(1) Call Chuck Schumer About Kavanaugh

The news about Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh keeps getting worse. Now an accusation of sexual assault has come into the open. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer has called for a delay in the vote on Kavanaugh that is currently scheduled for Thursday. However, a delay isn't enough and Schumer still hasn't committed to whipping the Democratic vote against Kavanaugh -- meaning that he would use his powers as minority leader to guarantee that all Democrats in the senate are united against this unsuitable candidate. Call Schumer's office and tell a staff member (a) that you'd like to thank the senator for calling for the delay in the vote but (b) he still needs to unite the Democrats against Kavanaugh permanently.

Schumer's phone numbers

  • DC: 202-224-6542

  • NYC: 212-486-4430

(2) Creative Next Steps to Flip New York State True Blue
99 Madison Avenue
15th floor
7 p.m. - 9 p.m

The Creative Resistance created the videos that helped explain the IDC to voters in New York State. The group says, "We have now elected better Democrats but the NY State Senate is still controlled by the Republicans. We need to flip at least one more seat on November 6th in Brooklyn, Long Island or upstate - and hopefully more - to turn it true blue. We will begin making videos for critical Red2Blue seats that can make the difference. Already, we are working on a video for Democrat Pat Strong who is challenging a Republican incumbent in the Hudson Valley." Join Monday's planning meeting to contribute your ideas.

Tuesday, September 18, 2018
Sign Up for Saturday Canvassing for Liuba Grechen Shirley
Liuba Grechen Shirley has been endorsed by Indivisible Upper East Side in her run for Congress in New York District 2 (Long Island) against the Republican incumbent Peter King. We are organizing a group to canvass on her behalf this Saturday, September 22.  Face-to-face conversations with other voters are the best way to increase turnout.  Confirm your attendance by RSVPing on Facebook OR emailing us (you don't have to do both; also, if you signed up at last week's meeting, you don't have to do it again). We'll have more information on the logistics once we know how many people are participating.

Wednesday, September 19, 2018
Email Senators Susan Collins of Maine and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska*
Email the Republican senators and urge them to delay the vote against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh (contact links in the title above). It is recommended that you compose a personalized message based on the accusation of sexual assault as well as Kavanaugh's performance at the hearings and the suppression of documentation related to his career. Suggested opening sentence is:

  • I am not a constituent of yours but I am writing because your vote on Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh will affect the entire nation for decades.

Separately, a fundraising campaign is underway to fund a Democratic opponent to Collins if she follows party line on Kavanaugh. Learn more about that and donate here.

*Note: this action item might be superceded by news developments.

Thursday, September 20, 2018
Rally for a Just Puerto Rico Recovery
Union Square Park
6 p.m. - 9 p.m.

Last week, Trump continued his abuse of Puerto Rico by lying about the casualties the island suffered during Hurricane Maria last year. Our fellow Americans living in Puerto Rico deserve better. The organizers say, "Join #OurPowerPRnyc, organizers, grassroots leaders, artists and others actively engaged in a people to people #justrecovery for Puerto Rico, demanding justice and asking 'Where Are We Now?'"

Friday, September 21, 2018
Use Resistbot to Contact Your Senators
Text the word RESIST to 50409 to use Resistbot's free tool to contact Schumer and Senator Kirsten Gillibrand about whatever issue is most on your mind. It will take two minutes or less to get your message out, and you can do it at any time of the day or night.

Saturday, September 22, 2018
Canvassing for Liuba Grechen Shirley
See Tuesday's action item for sign-up links. More details to come.

Sunday, September 23, 2018
Election Interference Webinar
8 p.m.
Register here

March for Truth will host a webinar featuring an expert presentation from Melissa Ryan. Following unprecedented foreign interference in the 2016 election, Ryan launched the Ctrl Alt-Right Delete newsletter, to chronicle the rise of extremists. This webinar will provide an overview issues crucial to understanding the current landscape, dig into fake news and misinformation in more detail, and talk tactics -- specifically what to do if a campaign in your community is attacked.

- Weekly newsletter #80 written by Wendy Brandes, executive committee, Indivisible Upper East Side

Disclaimer: By choosing to attend any events listed herein, I acknowledge the risks involved, and that I agree to participate non-violently and in accordance with the law. During some events, acts of civil disobedience may be initiated by individual participants.  I acknowledge and agree that Indivisible Upper East Side is not responsible for any such acts of individual participants which are unlawful, nor is Indivisible Upper East Side soliciting my participation in any such activity. I agree that I am solely responsible for any decision to participate in any acts of civil disobedience and any consequences, legal or otherwise, that may result from that decision.